Essential oils Rose Geranium
There are many geranium cultivars and so many people will tell you they have it growing in their gardens. So from an aromatherapist side, let's take a look at this essential oil. Rose Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens) is so beautiful floral, when asked to explain the aroma, its almost hard to explain but lets give it a go, you know when you eat something sweet and then at the end you get a horrible after taste. Well that's how to explain pure Rose Geranium oil, it has no bitter after smell. The saying goes that the essential oil aroma you are most attracted to is what your body needs in the therapeutic sense. You will either love or hate Rose Geranium, I love it and it was one of the 1st essential oils I learnt about and planted. There is something so powerful in putting a seed or seedling into the ground and watch it grow as you nurture it. I honestly don't think there is much that can compare to that feeling you get in your gut. OK moving along before I get too distracted is how amazingly this oils healing properties impact in so many areas in the human body. So primarily is its aid in tension & emotional stress, benefits all skin types, keeps skin supple, improves circulation, bruises, eczema, broken capillaries, stimulates the lymphatic system, lifts depression and excellent for balancing the hormone's...so in a house where you have mom going through menopause and teenager girl going through PMS, this oil is a must. My 1st blog, let me know if its helpful and what essential oils you would like to hear about and don't say I did not tell you but you cant use EO neat.